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The Best Team

working from home

Posted on 27 Mar 2020

As we near the end of the first working week of lockdown, the staff here at Swayne Johnson have a lot to be proud of.

Our front doors may be closed, but our staff have been working tirelessly to ensure that we can continue to provide our clients with the best possible service in these unprecedented and challenging times.  Most of us are now working from home and a lot of trouble and effort has gone into creating some great work spaces in the homes of our staff – we’ve even seen photo’s! Whilst there have been some issues during the office to home transition, our people have got creative, adapted and gone above and beyond to get things back on track.

Individuals and teams are making the most of our IT systems to securely access client files remotely; clients can be assured that their matter can and will be progressed with as little interruption as possible.

We’re using technology to keep in touch with clients and each other. Telephone and video calls are being offered and held with clients and staff are being encouraged to speak with each other daily. We’re all finding out how fun a Microsoft office Teams meeting at coffee time can be!

Thank you to Our Team  – you make everything possible! Stay safe

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