Swayne Johnson Solicitors are participating in Cupcake Day!

Posted on 10 May 2018
We are delighted to announce that both our Ruthin and Denbigh offices will be participating in Cupcake Day, on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society. We’re very much looking forward to raising funds to help the Alzheimer’s Society in their fight against dementia with the aid of our trusty wooden spoons, and we very much hope that you’ll visit either of our offices in Ruthin or Denbigh should you be in the area!
Cupcake Day is set to take place on the 14th of June. Our very talented solicitors and office staff will create an array of tasty treats for your enjoyment, and 100% of the proceeds for this will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society in order to assist in their mission. This work that the Alzheimer’s Society do in support of people and families living with dementia makes a real difference to combat dementia, widely regarded as the biggest health and care challenge in the UK, and indeed, the world.
The Alzheimer’s Society makes a difference to the people living with dementia and they strive to ensure that those with dementia are supported, accepted, and are able to live without fear and without prejudice. As the leading dementia charity in the UK, the Alzheimer’s Society is committed to making the world a better place for the estimated million people living with the condition by 2021 – until a cure can be found.
The Alzheimer’s Society provides information and support on dementia to anyone that needs it from the point of diagnosis and beyond. They achieve this via a mixture of face-to- face, telephone and online support with matters such as assisting those with the condition to get the help from health and social care services that is so very needed.
Furthermore, the Alzheimer’s Society have made it a crucial part of their mission to change the conversation on dementia, stating that they wish to ensure that those with dementia are treated as equal members of society, with no stigma surrounding their condition. This can only be done with increased public awareness and understanding. The Alzheimer’s Society lobby for the rights of those living with dementia.
Finally, the Alzheimer’s Society has aims to join together the research community, and invest £50m in the UK’s first dedicated Dementia Research Facility, as well as another £100m into pioneering research to advance prevention, assistive technology, care, and cure research.
Needless to say, tackling dementia is quite the task. It is only with fundraising efforts across the UK that the Alzheimer’s Society is able to make such a difference to the lives of so many people, and our Cupcake Day is one of a multitude of events happening across the UK in order to give this fantastic organisation the funding they need to continue on the fight.
We very much hope you’ll join us on the 14th of June between 10am and 12noon, at 2 Hall Square Denbigh and Llanrhydd Manor, Ruthin.
Further News - Swayne Johnson Solicitors Raise £429 for the Alzheimer’s Society »